R.C. Sproul quote

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The other day in my Bible study we were talking about how Jesus is the only way to God. Printed at the bottom of the notes page was a quote by R.C. Sproul that really shook me to my foundation. And I hope it does the same for you. 

“In light of mankind’s universal rebellion against God, the issue is not why is there only one way to God, but why is there any way at all?”

~R.C. Sproul

2 thoughts on “R.C. Sproul quote

    Christadelphians said:
    February 28, 2017 at 7:48 AM

    Today we even may find the biggest rebellion against God by certain so called Christian groups, like fundamentalist Evangelical Christians and Pentecostals. But also the majority of Christendom is taken by the human dogma’s and have taken Jesus into their god instead of accepting him as the son of man, the sent one from God who is the Way to God.


    High time to show the way to peace | From guestwriters said:
    October 29, 2016 at 1:50 PM

    […] R.C. Sproul quote […]


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